Scalable account dropdown
From people to packages, Envoy helps offices handle everything that comes through their front doors.
Large companies with multiple office locations need a quick way to switch between each location’s dashboard. We call this the "location picker" — it lives in the Envoy web dashboard.
The team often talked about redesigning the location picker—it had become cluttered and had too many font styles and colors intended to represent different states.
Only 10% of companies have more than one location, but that 10% makes up a sizable chunk of our revenue, and besides that, there's no excuse for providing a sub-par experience to our power users.
This project was a challenge because there were so many different states to consider, while still designing in a consistent and scalable way:
? Supporting one, two, ten, or more than one hundred locations
? Showing which locations were active versus inactive
? Being able to quickly switch between locations
? Being able to quickly visualize which location is being viewed
? Supporting location names of varying character length
? Showing additional options just for administrators
Finally, I designed an open and close animation to make the experience of changing locations feel smooth and modern.