Shift First Run

Hey Dribbblers!

First post in the year...crazy, huh ??? I have been busy working on some crazy stuff but today, I thought I would show you a bit change to the first run of Shift, which some of you may remember we originally launched here almost two years ago (??).

So? How it works? When you are a new Shift user, you can add multiple email accounts, add apps + a theme for each. Easy, eh? ??

Can't wait to hear what you think of the new flow, and if you don't use Shift, you should give it a try.

Secret coupon code for Dribbbler's only. Just go to and download it, then use coupon code Community25

Soon, I will post a few more dope things I've been working on this year! Oh and make sure you'll check attachments ??

More by Mateusz Dembek

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