March Cape Town Dribbble Meetup
To all you locals and others who happen to be in the area – come join us for the March Cape Town Dribbble Meetup at Workshop 17 on the 15th of March. RSVP here.
The logo: I was given the opportunity to design the first meetup badge of 2017 and decided to incorporate the new style/branding extension we’ve recently rolled out at Isoflow into the design.
With the meetup taking place in the Mother City, I just had to include the sexiest mountain the world has seen in the backdrop and the iconic lighthouse in the foreground. I created the logo with simple shapes and bold contrasting brand colours. I also played with the Dribbble type including the ‘6’ in the type symbolising our 6th meetup – damn time has just flown by! Hopefully you guys/gals got that before reading this. And of course... what's a meetup without beers? ??
Make sure to check out the attachments for more pixels as well as the event poster.