2016 most popular dribbble shots / logos
It's that time of the year when we draw the line and check the results, so, I will share with you my most popular shots uploaded this year.
Visit my portfolio website https://alextass.com/
See you in 2017! :)
Shots included:
- G for Gladiator: negative space helmet, letter mark, logo design
- VA monogram, logo design symbol
- C for Constellation, logo design symbol
- Fidelity hearing center logo design
- D + arrow, logo mark redesign proposal for web hosting company
- Iceberg logo design symbol
- Sound wave + bat, music logo design symbol
- Phoenix bird logo design symbol
- Beatbat Music logo design symbol & color variations [GIF]
- Kite, e-learning platform logo design
- Discoveri logo design: pin + silhouette [GIF] color variations
- R letter mark: dots / points / circles, industrial logo design
- Iceberg.tech logo design
- Travelogue logo design
- A letter mark, dynamic colorful blends, logo design icon [GIF]
- S for Startups, logo, stationery, identity design
Thank you!