Dribbble ?? CandyCraze.pro

Dribbble ??

From CandyCraze.pro app icon pack

PNG, ICNS, ICO candies are available in the pack; so you can simply use them for app icons in Mac, Windows, and your Phone.

?? What we already have:

1Password, ArcBrowser(4), Blogger, Discord, Dribbble, Duolingo, Figma, Framer, Instagram, InVision(2), Layers, Linkedin, Medium(2), Meetup, Omlet, Pinterest, Skype, Snapchat, Spotify, Storybook, Tinder, Twitch, Twitter(2), Youtube, Zeplin, Zoom

?? To request any icons to add to the pack or design a customized app icon for your project say Hi: [email protected]

?? Only Personal Us

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?? If you’d like to see more content like this,

follow me on Twitter → @sepide_moqadasi

?? And for Work inquiries [email protected]

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