Vij Magazine / Poster Design

The work explores corruption in Bulgaria in the early 90s.

It particularly focuses on the common practice of trading votes in a return of a hot piece of grilled kebab.

It was inspired by the Bulgarian literary character Bay Ganyo (an anti-hero depicting an uneducated, egoistic villager), which drives me to incorporates a wordplay between “bay” and “bye” as a main text in the poster.

The work highlights positive societal changes and the emerging belief among new voters that their right to vote is inviolable, leading more people to reject shameful practices.

This work was taking part of the Vij Magazine open call that explore the changes that occur in Bulgaria since the change of totalitarian political regime.

atanas giew
Pushiп' boгdeгs between bгaпdiпg & mоtion desigп??
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