1. Simple Logo Design - ai, chatbot, logo, identity, data flow ai analytics artificial intelligence blockchain crypto data design designer finance fintech icon letter s logo logodesign monogram s logo simple logo software symbol tech
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    Simple Logo Design - ai, chatbot, logo, identity, data flow
  2. Hiring - Payroll management software admin interface admin ui ai ai tools analytics analytics app animation data visualization employee dashboard hiring hr dashboard management dashboard open ai payroll dashboard payroll software product design recruitment saas saas dashboard typography
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    Hiring - Payroll management software
  3. I for Individual. 36 Days of Type. Day 09 36 days of type branding career employee evolution gradient health hr human icon identity job lettering logo marketplace medtech person
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  4. Tiimi - Logo Design for a SaaS HR Management System candidate design employee graphic design hr hrd hrm human resources illustration job logo management organization people saas saas design team
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    Tiimi - Logo Design for a SaaS HR Management System
  5. Management table | Table components | HRM dashboard branding chart components dashboard design product elements employees fireart fireart studio graph green hiring hrm logo management people saas search system table
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    Management table | Table components | HRM dashboard
  6. Widgets & Modals | Omni-channel canned cards ui design dropdown message modals popup product response sass schedule status tag task ui ux web whatsapp widgets
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    Widgets & Modals | Omni-channel
  7. Tiimi - Candidate Details for a SaaS HR Management System animation candidate crm dashboard employee hrd hrm human resources interaction job kanban management pipeline product design resources resume saas saas design ui ux
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